Frequently Asked Questions

Most purchases are shipped from our shop / warehouses, to arrive within eight -business days. Special conditions sometimes apply to the delivery of oversize items, perishables or merchandise shipped directly from the supplier.

At present, we ship only within the Bangalore, India. If you have bulk requirement, please do contact us and our executive shall revert to you.

To place an order from a foreign country for delivery within the India, please buy online and provide the shipping address in Bangalore, India.

To place a product in your shopping cart, select size and quantity, and then click the “add to cart” button on the right side of the product detail page. Use the “continue shopping” button to continue browsing, or click “check out” to complete your order. Remember, by clicking the link in the upper right-hand corner of your screen, you may view your shopping cart at any time. This allows you to add, change or delete items whenever you like. Please note: an e-mail address is needed to place an order online. If you do not have an e-mail address, you can place your order with one of our Customer Service Representatives at +91-9591177277.

When you’re ready to complete your order, be sure to review all of the items you’ve placed in your shopping cart. If you decide that you don’t want a particular product, check “Remove.” Be sure to let us know if an item is a gift by checking “Gift.” Once you have all the items you wish to purchase, click the “CHECKOUT” button.

Frequently Asked Questions

Once you’ve clicked “CHECKOUT,” you’ll need to provide your billing and/or shipping information, (be sure to note: billing address must be entered exactly as it appears on your credit card statement), choose a shipping method, and select your method of payment. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and internet banking for about 18 banks in India. If you’re paying with a credit card, enter the number without spaces or dashes.

Be sure to review all of the information you provided, and make any necessary changes before making the payments. Once you place your order, you will see a confirmation page with your confirmation number. We will send you a confirmation e-mail message when your order ships.

We suggest keeping all the information like address, contact numbers etc upto date for best customer service.

What is a Like our Page to get % discount?

It is just a pure promotional Activity. In case you wish to share our products or Like our FB page, we provide a discount automatically added to the shopping cart for %.

NOTE: this is applied only on first purchase as you share the product or LIKE our page